PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Police Team (Sumsel) arrested four gold shop robbers in Pali Regency.

"After being hunted to Bengkulu and West Sumatra, a group of robbers from the Gold Shop in Pali Regency were arrested by Members of Unit IV Sub-Directorate III Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Sumsel, Monday (06/11) night," said Head of Sub-Directorate III Jatanras South Sumatra Police Commissioner Agus Prihadinika quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 7.

The four perpetrators had the initials S, W and S from Bengkulu. One other perpetrator with the initials S from Belitang, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency, South Sumatra.

This group of robbers took action at the Fateha Gold Shop, Inpres Pendopo Market, Talang Ubi District, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency (Pali) on Tuesday (31/10).

"Yes, the perpetrator has been arrested, we are still examining and developing further regarding the roles of the four perpetrators. Later we will release it," he explained.

The police also secured evidence in the form of two homemade firearms along with 18 rounds of ammunition.

Meanwhile, other evidence such as the gold that has been robbed is still being searched by members.

In addition, the police also managed to secure the looters of the looted goods. The perpetrators were arrested at different locations, namely in Solok City, West Sumatra and Bengkulu.

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