JAKARTA - Returning Pancasila as the country's highest legal norm, according to DPD Chairman AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, is the only way to reform Indonesia according to the ideals of the nation's founders.

This was said by LaNyalla when he was the Keynote Speech of the National Youth Seminar Panca Marga (PPM) with the theme 'Rejelating Indonesia According to the Aspirations of the Founders of the Nation' at the Nusantara V Building, Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Saturday, November 4.

Seminar presented political economic observer Ichsanuddin Noorsy and UI Political Lecturer Dr Mulyadi as resource persons moderated by Dr Ngurah Suputra, STIN Lecturer.

"Reverting Pancasila as the country's highest legal norm means that the Indonesian Constitution must return to the Constitution formulated by the nation's founders. Namely, the 1945 Constitution before the 1999 to 2002 Amendments," he explained.

LaNyalla continued, the importance of the movement back to the 1945 Constitution before the Amendment. Because the state system formulated by the founders of the nation is contained in the Constitution.

"Meanwhile, the Constitution as a result of the Amendment from 1999 to 2002 clearly replaced the state system formulated by the founders of the nation. It has even left Pancasila as the identity of the Constitution and actually described the values of individualism and western liberalism," he said again.

Meanwhile, to see what kind of Indonesia the founders aspire to, LaNyalla invites to re-read the thoughts of the founders of the nation who were fully documented in the history of the nation's struggle for independence.

Especially in the minutes that were recorded neatly, when the founding fathers of the nation convened to prepare for the birth of this country in the BPUPK and PPKI forums.

"In the minutes, it is clearly agreed that Indonesia is a state of law that is bound by its basic philosophy, namely Pancasila. This means that Indonesia is not just a state of law. But a state of Pancasila law," he said.

LaNyalla continued, it means that Pancasila is the source of all legal sources in Indonesia. So that Indonesia is a divine country, a humane country, a united country in unity, a country led by populist and deliberation. As well as a country that aims to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people.

Chairman of Pemuda Panca Marga (PPM), Berto Izaak Doko explained that Pemuda Panca Marga has a mandate to consistently implement the spirit, spirit, and fighting values of 1945 (JSN45). One of his efforts is to answer the nation's current problems.

"The fact is that the nation's journey is no longer on the track, especially after the amendments to the Constitution 1 to 4. For us it is a legal defect. That's why we agree to return to the Law 45 of the original manuscript which was published on August 18, 1945, so that this nation returns to the ideals of the nation's founders," he said.

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Muzani Syukur, Deputy of the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia (LVRI) who read out the remarks of the General Chairperson of LVRI appreciated the national seminar activities because the topics taken were extraordinary.

"Why is it called extraordinary? Because the theme or topic of discussion has touched the interests of the nation. This means that PPM children care about the nation's problems. This means that children are already in the right position, where as veteran children you really have to provide solutions. This is in accordance with the struggle of the elders and seniors," he said.

Political economic observer, Dr. Ichsanuddin Noorsy, explained the collapse of the amendment to the 1945 Constitution stages 1 to 4. According to him, the results of the amendment to the 1945 Constitution from 1999 to 2002 contained contradictions, both conceptually and in constitutional practices.

"What states is that this is not Ichsanuddin Noorsy, but the Constitutional Commission in its study in 2002. Namely, there is inconsistency in substance, both juridik and theoretical. The absence of a reference frame or academic manuscript in making changes to the 1945 Constitution is one of the reasons for the emergence of theoretical inconsistencies and concepts in regulating the content of the Constitution," he said.

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