Applying Money Laundering To Panji Gumilang, Expert: Bareskrim Saves Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Assets
Panji Gumilang (Photo; Doc. VOI)

JAKARTA - Professor of Sudirman University (Unsoed) Prof. Hibnu Nugroho assessed that the application of the Money Laundering article (TPPU) to the leadership of the Al Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School was the right step. The goal is to save the assets of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School foundation.

"The funds are if the foundation is returned to the foundation, not for the benefit of the person concerned. That's why it is blocked to anticipate that the funds will not go to Panji Gumilang. Saving assets, I think something is very good," Hibnu told reporters, Saturday, November 4.

Hibnu believes that investigators already have sufficient evidence to ensnare Panji Gumilang in the money laundering case. Moreover, the article applied can provide a deterrent effect to the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

"Yes (to provide a deterrent effect) TPPU means that the refund will be fund funds for the community, which means it can be returned later," he said.

Not to forget, Hibnu reminded investigators to be observant in handling this case. Especially regarding the assets of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School which must be saved and do not switch hands to other people who can harm the students and donors of the foundation.

"Do not let the assets for the benefit of the foundation, for the benefit of students, assets for education are lost or transferred by the banner of the mill. The speed of investigators to confiscate these assets is a priority," he said.

On the other hand, Hibnu said Panji Gumilang could face a sentence of 10 years in prison in this case. He supports Bareskrim's steps to complete this case.

"The penalty is 10 years, the Money Laundering Law, then the original crime will be proven, embezzlement, fraud, then the original crime will be met with a new one to the TPPU," said Hibnu.

In this case, Panji Gumilang is suspected of violating Article 372 of the Criminal Code regarding embezzlement. Then, Article 70 in conjunction with Article 5 of Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations.

Finally, Panji Gumilang is also suspected of violating Article 3 Article 4 Article 5 in conjunction with Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering.

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