The Empat Lawang Police and residents managed to find and evacuate Gilang Noprianto five years survived after missing on Tuesday (31/11) while accompanying his father to work in the garden.
Head of Public Relations of the Empat Lawang Police, Iptu Salfia Wardi, said the boy was found by residents of Talang Runda Village, Paiker District, Empat Lawang Regency, namely Sihardin alias Ciang (52) years old and a resident of Talang Padang Village, Paiker District, Empat Lawang Regency, namely Herman (45) years old.
"It was found on Friday, November 3, 2023 at around 14:50 WIB," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Juamt, November 3.
He explained that the chronology of the discovery began when there were farmers whose identities were not yet known in the garden and heard a child's voice calling his father. "Fathers help father", the voice was heard.
"Furthermore, Sihardin and Herman and several people went to the location where the person told them that the location was estimated to be approximately 3 kilometers from the location where the victim disappeared," he said.
While at the location there was a large wood, Herman called "Gilang... Gilang..." without being suspected, Herman's call was answered by the victim "fathers help father".
Herman immediately approached the sound when he saw the victim was in the river lying limp on the rock while talking, "wak-wak I'm hungry, I want to eat mujair fish."
Then Herman, assisted by his friend, immediately went down to take the victim who was lying limp and immediately took the victim by carrying him.
When they arrived at Bascam to evacuate the search, the victim's parents and the victim were immediately picked up by the Paiker Police Chief along with members and immediately got into the patrol car to the victim's house to be given first aid.
"Alhamdulillah, Gilang has met safely even though he is weak," he said.
Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Empat Lawang Police, Iptu Salfia Wardi Ia, explained the chronology of the incident on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at around 15.00 WIB, located in the plantation area of Dusun IV Talang Jawa, Nanjungan Village, Pasemah Air Keruh District, Empat Lawang Regency.
The boy is the son of a father named Ahmad Mulyani alias Bujang (45) years old and a mother named Densi (40) years old who works as a farmer, a resident of Nanjungan Village, Pasemah Air Keruh District, Empat Lawang Regency.
He explained that the victim was invited by his father to their garden to repair the water channel. The child was near his father and helped repair the water channel.
"While working, the father thought that his son was behind him. But when he finished repairing the channel, it turned out that the child was not behind him and he thought the child had returned home but it turned out that the child was also not at his house," he said.
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