JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) welcomes the acceptance of Indonesia as a full member of the international organization Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to increase the intensity of eradicating corruption and money laundering across countries.

"Through this important momentum, the KPK reiterated its determination to actively establish global cooperation and partnerships, especially in dealing with corruption and money laundering crimes," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in his statement, Friday, November 3.

Ali explained that the joining of Indonesia as the 40th full member of FATF was ratified through the Plenary Session of FATF in Paris, France, which took place on October 25-27, 2023.

The process has been passed long enough, starting with the determination of Indonesia as a observer (observer) of FATF in 2018 to the cumulative evaluation (ME) process since 2022.

"In several global meetings that Indonesia participated in, including Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) at the G20 forum and ASEAN Parties Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC), the KPK has stated its commitment to continue to contribute positively in increasing cross-border collaboration in dealing with corruption crimes," Ali explained.

This is also inseparable from the mandate of theUnited Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) on international cooperation in eradicating corruption.

In these international forums, the KPK said that in the context of eradicating corruption and money laundering (TPPU), the success of law enforcement was not only judged based on statistics and/or prosecution of domestic suspects.

No less important is the creation of collaborative efforts, especially in joint investigations, tracking and returning assets of suspected corruptors, as well as cooperation between countries in extradited criminals.

In addition, facts and data show the continued increase in various crimes committed by individuals and corporations within the boundaries of a country's territory to cross the boundaries of other countries.

Crimes in the form of criminal acts of corruption, bribery, smuggling, human trafficking and goods, terrorism, and various crimes of the white collar Iain are major challenges that need to be overcome with all countries in the world.

Indonesia's ratification as a member of the FATF has put Indonesia in a position equal to all G20 member countries as well as other developed countries, as countries with good financial system integrity.

"Therefore, the KPK is fully committed to supporting Indonesia's membership in the FATF and maintaining the stability of law enforcement in eradicating corruption in order to increase Indonesia's credibility and positive perceptions internationally," said Ali Fikri.

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