PT PLN (Persero) is ready to meet the needs of green electricity in the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago by building a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) with a capacity of 50 Megawatts (MW). The laying of the first stone or groundbreaking of the PLTS pioneer for new and renewable energy generation (EBT) was carried out directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi on Thursday, November 2.

President Jokowi said that the construction of PLTS shows the seriousness of the government through PLN in preparing a reliable and environmentally friendly electricity system to meet electricity needs in IKN Nusantara. This is in line with the development of IKN as a green and environmentally friendly forest city.

"This is a pioneer of PLTS in IKN, the capacity can still be increased if it is needed," said Jokowi.

The President explained that this PLTS will reduce emissions by up to 104,000 tons of CO2 per year. This PLTS is able to produce green energy of around 93 Giga Watt Hours (GWh) per year, so it is answered how the adequacy of electricity needs in IKN is met.

"The next question is whether there is electricity or not? Ready or not," he said green energy? Where? The question this afternoon was immediately answered, "said Jokowi.

Jokowi also requested that the electricity line in IKN must be embedded underground to ensure aesthetics are maintained.

"I asked you not to look into your eyes from the start. All ground cables must be put in the plots underground, when we build a good capital city like this, it's sharp above," said Jokowi.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo ensured PLN's commitment to preparing a reliable electricity system based on environmentally friendly supply for IKN Nusantara.

"The development of PLTS is PLN's effort to support IKN Nusantara into a green, futuristic and sustainable city, so that electricity is presented based on environmentally friendly supply," said Darmawan.

Darmawan melanjutkan, PLTS ini dibangun melalui subholding PLN Nusantara Power (NP) bekerja sama dengan perusahaan energi asal Singapura, Sembcorp Utilities Pte. Ltd. PLTS yang berada di Sepaku, Penajam Paser Utara, ini ditargetkan selesai dan beroperasi pada Mei 2024.

"We all-out support green electricity infrastructure to support IKN to become the best capital city where everything will be based on state of the art of technology, clean energy sources for IKN will be supported by the most up-to-date and aesthetically beautiful Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based smart technology, where the network is underground according to the concept of green, smart, and beautiful," added Darmawan.

Furthermore, PLN will build renewable energy zones as research centers, business centers, education centers and innovations for new and renewable energy. Where PLN will collaborate with all the best partners who are members of a large ecosystem.

Not only that, to support the need for green electricity in IKN Nusantara, PLN will also map and utilize the hydro potential around IKN for Hydroelectric Power Plants (PLTA) with a capacity of up to 1,000 MW.

That way, the IKN Nusantara 100 percent electricity system will be based on new and renewable energy (EBT) which is also in accordance with PLN's commitment to achieving Net Zero Emissions (NZE) in 2060.

"The PLN commitment provides electricity that is not only reliable for the New Capital City, but also clean in line with the Net Zero Emissions target in order to utilize clean energy potential in Indonesia for the greatest prosperity of the people," concluded Darmawan.

On the same occasion, Jokowi also witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PLN and the State Capital Authority regarding the development of the Green National Capacity City through the development of an integrated electricity ecosystem for the State Capital.

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