JAKARTA - The outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19 is becoming the world's attention. China, Iran, Singapore, South Korea, and Italy, are among the countries infected with this dangerous virus. Various preventive measures were taken to anticipate its spread.

It is important to take precautionary steps, especially for people or travelers who are in a city with the corona virus. There are two things that must be done so that you do not catch COVID-19.

Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Anung Sugihantono said steps that must be considered are maintaining body condition and not having direct contact with people infected with the virus.

What is meant by direct contact is, if someone is in a country affected by an epidemic, then, it is not advisable to do outdoor activities for a long time without any protection such as masks or so on.

However, it must also be considered the location of its existence. Because, until now the context of the spread of the virus is not seen in general. Rather, from the existence of people who are infected. So, when someone is in an infected country, however, in a different city, there is no need to worry about its spread.

"If you are forced to be in a country with COVID-19 sufferers, you need to look at our position and the position of the sufferer. For example, if the sufferer is in Aceh, and we are in Jakarta or Bali, it's safe," he said Anung to VOI, Sunday, March 1.

Then, for someone whose family members become sufferers, it is not advisable to have direct contact and not visit the place of care. However, if you have had contact before, then, temporarily limit your activities or open contact in public places.

"All these things were done until there were laboratory results that stated that people who had contact or the area actually tested positive for corona," said Anung.

Meanwhile, the next step is to pay attention to health or body condition. That is, if someone is in the same city as the sufferer, then, they must keep the environment clean and fulfill sufficient nutrition so that the body's metabolism is good.

"Behave in a clean and healthy life, increase endurance through nutritious food, adequate rest and adequate activities according to age," explained Anung.

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