JAKARTA - A total of 57 motorized vehicles were sanctioned for not passing the emission test in a raid held in DKI Jakarta Province starting Wednesday, November 1 yesterday.

Of the 57 vehicles that were ticketed, 20 of them were four-wheeled vehicles and 37 two-wheeled vehicles.

"A total of 57 motorized vehicles have been caught in this law enforcement operation. This activity is carried out by the Polda Metro Jaya and the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and will continue 51 times until the end of the year," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH), Asep Kuswanto, Wednesday, November 1.

So far, they have carried out socialization to the public regarding the obligation to test emissions. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government continues to disseminate information about the importance of emission tests in order to improve air quality.

The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency has conducted public education about the obligation to test emissions through various programs and approaches.

"Starting from the free emission test program, simultaneous emission test activities in three provinces, the emission test week involves more than 500 workshops in Jakarta, to training emission test instructors in three provinces," he added.

This step was taken to raise public awareness of the importance of motor vehicle maintenance in order to create cleaner air.

In addition, the emission test raid also aims to control the level of air pollution in Jakarta by supervising and enforcing industries that have the potential to pollute the air.

The re-implementation of the emission test raid starting November 1, 2023, is the result of an evaluation conducted by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government involving various parties. The emission test raid is considered an effective step to improve air quality in Jakarta.

In terms of fines for vehicles that do not pass the emission test, the amount is IDR 250,000 for motorcycles and IDR 500,000 for cars.

This is in accordance with the provisions in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ), especially regulated in Article 285 paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 286 of the LLAJ Law.

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