JAKARTA - The Association for Education and Teachers (P2G) received reports from teachers in the West Java area regarding the existence of a porn site link in the Class XII High School Sociology Textbook.

P2G National Coordinator, Satriwan Salim, in a written statement from the association received in Jakarta on Thursday, said that a website link containing pornography was found in material in a sociology book that discusses empowerment of the Kampung Naga community in West Java.

"Until this official statement was made, P2G still found that the site linked in the student's official book still contained pornographic content," said Satriwan.

He said that P2G is worried that students will open links to sites that contain pornographic content if the sociology textbook is still in use. "That is very dangerous for the education and morals of the nation's children," he said.

P2G suspects that textbooks containing links to pornographic sites are not only distributed and used in West Java, but may also be used in other areas because the books are sold freely.

"Incidents like this have actually happened several times, namely the fact that in student / teacher textbooks there is content that is not educational at all and even damages the education of the nation's children," said Satriwan.

P2G asked the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim to immediately coordinate with the West Java Education Office to withdraw the Class XII Sociology book that was already circulating and used as a support for student learning.

"If it is difficult to do so, P2G asks the Minister to coordinate with the Ministry of Communication and Information to immediately block the site. Because, until this official statement is made, the site still exists and has not been blocked," said Satriwan.

P2G stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture should be careful in making school textbooks and more closely supervise the content of books used by students and teachers.

The Ministry of Education and Culture, according to P2G, can coordinate and communicate intensively with the Provincial and City / Regency Education Offices to supervise and monitor the use of school textbooks.

He said that the Ministry of Education and Culture had actually provided an e-book containing subject matter.

"But we assess that the use of school text books / e-books that are officially printed by the Ministry of Education and Culture's Center for Curriculum and Book is not optimal. Kemendikbud seems to be halfhearted about optimizing the role of Puskurbuk," he said.

In order to prevent the use of textbooks that contain negative content, P2G also asks teachers and school principals to be more selective in deciding the use of student textbooks in schools.

Parents, according to Satriwan, must also care and be selective in buying textbooks for their children and check the contents of books used by children for learning.

Satriwan also stated that the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim had not yet responded to P2G's findings regarding pornographic site links in school textbooks.

"The treatment differs from the case of the headscarf in Padang, whose response is very swift. Whereas pornographic content such as in textbooks will clearly damage the education and morals of the nation's children," he said.

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