SEMARANG A man from Purwokerto, Banyumas, with the initials RW (28) was arrested by the Central Java Police for an online prostitution case in Banyumas Regency. In the action, RW used the Facebook platform on behalf of the Setianingsih Zoya account, to peddle sex with various criteria for mashers. Starting from minors, gays, to pregnant and lactating women to mashers.

Director of Criminal Investigation at the Central Java Police, Kombes Dwi Subagio, said that RW peddles its victims by displaying their photos on the Facebook page.

"The perpetrator posted, offered and convinced customers by sending photos of women they sold to Facebook. On Facebook, the perpetrator offered sexual services," said Dwi Subagio, in a written statement received, Wednesday, November 1.

In the post, the perpetrator includes a contact phone number. So, the masher easily communicates with him to get the desired woman at different prices.

"The tariff is, if a minor is Rp600 thousand, one date, pregnant women Rp500 thousand, gay Rp500 thousand, and breastfeeding mothers Rp800 thousand. From each transaction, the perpetrator gets a commission of Rp200 thousand," he explained.

Dwi Subagio also said that most of the victims were minors.

"50 children are being peddled by RW with this mode," he said

This case was revealed after reports from the public claiming to be restless about posting prostitution. Then the cyber patrol team got the Setianingsih Zoya account. Then on October 5, 2023, officers headed to Banyumas to arrest RW in the Baturaden area.

In front of the media, the RW perpetrator admitted that he was looking for victims with the lure of high salary job offers.

"I've been doing this since 2020," said RW.

RW was charged with Article 27 paragraphs 1 and Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning the ITE Law and Article 30 and Article 4 paragraph 2 of Law No. 44 of 2008 concerning pornography.

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