JAKARTA A political observer from UGM, Riza Noer Arfani, assessed that Gibran Rakabuming Raka's status in the PDI-P was not yet clearly considered part of Megawati Soekarnoputri's political party strategy. This is because PDIP has not fired Gibran and is only waiting for President Jokowi's son to return the party's KTA.

"I think this is closely related to the PDIP's strategy to place people who think this is related to the structure or circulation of the elite," said Riza, Sunday, October 29.

According to him, Gibran is still considered an inseparable part of the PDIP. Moreover, this is related to Jokowi's status who is still president until October 2024. Therefore, firing Gibran will be a gamble for PDIP, even though anything can still happen.

"I think PDIP still considers Gibran an inseparable part of the PDIP elite, and maybe PDIP still considers Pak Jokowi as the PDIP elite," added Riza.

This UGM Fisipol lecturer considers that the political conditions in Indonesia are like chess games. Because, in the context of Gibran's maneuvers, the current political party leaders do not have the power and are dominant like in the past. Thus, it seems that there is a greater power that moves the political party leaders in Indonesia today.

"If we look at politics now, our politics is like a chessboard. The question of who is driving, hitting the heads of political parties is a bit less empowered. It seems that the podium is empowered but actually in terms of political decisions it is not always meaningful," concluded Riza.

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