JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) explained his reason for inaugurating Andi Amran Sulaiman as Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) replacing Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) who resigned from his position after stumbling into a corruption case.

"Let's go straight to work. Because he (the Minister of Agriculture) used to be the Minister of Agriculture," said President Jokowi in Padang, Wednesday, October 25, confiscated by Antara.

Andi Amran, who previously also served as Minister of Agriculture during the 2014-2019 period of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla's leadership, is considered by Jokowi to have understood and understood the handling of agriculture in the country.

So that this is one of the reasons why President Jokowi again gave a mandate to the minister who was born in Bone Regency on April 27, 1968.

"So there is no need to be taught, there is no need to study bureaucracy anymore, there is no need to know who the director-general is. After being inaugurated, when it is also immediately working," said Jokowi.

To the mass media crew, Jokowi said Andi Amran Sulaiman's job was to make rice or rice production increase according to the target given by the head of state.

According to him, by increasing rice or rice production in the country, rice prices in the market can be controlled or lowered. Thus, people's purchasing power can still be maintained properly.

"So, production must be abundant," he said. To note, Andi Amran had worked at PTPN XIV. He even served as head of the logistics department at the BUMN. After his career at PTPN, Amran made various innovations in agriculture according to his lecture at Hasanuddin University, Makassar.

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