JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani hopes that Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Agus Subiyanto can maintain the neutrality of the Indonesian Army in the political year ahead of the 2024 General Election. Agus has just been inaugurated by President Joko Widodo to become Army Chief of Staff today. He replaced Dudung Abdurachman who was retired on November 19, 2023. "I hope that Army Chief of Staff Agus Subiyanto can keep his subordinates neutral in the upcoming legislative and presidential elections. Make sure none of the TNI AD soldiers are involved in practical politics and firmly impose sanctions if anyone commits a violation," said Puan in her statement, Wednesday, October 25, confiscated by Antara. Puan also reminded the Army Chief of Staff Agus to ensure that TNI AD soldiers are not involved in practical politics. "TNI soldiers should not be involved in practical politics or become a political tool of any group or party. The new Army Chief of Staff needs to ensure that all soldiers understand the role of the TNI in supporting the democratic system in Indonesia and are not involved in practical politics," he said. For this reason, Puan asked all TNI AD soldiers to work professionally when helping to maintain the implementation of the 2024 General Election, so that it took place in a conducive manner throughout the country. "I believe General Agus Subiyanto is an exemplary leader who can set an example for all TNI AD soldiers to uphold neutrality in order to create a peaceful and happy legislative and presidential elections for the community," he said. He also emphasized that the Army Chief of Staff Agus ensured that the briefing of soldiers was carried out carefully so that they could understand the technical duties of them when they were on the field. "The new Army Chief of Staff has a very important role in realizing neutral and quality soldiers. Hopefully, General Agus' leadership will be an important milestone in maintaining the neutrality of soldiers and the integrity of the nation," he said. Puan believes that the TNI AD under the leadership of the former Paspampres Commander (Danpaspampres) will further provide his best service to the Indonesian people. "With various strategic positions that have been held by General Agus, I believe that in the future the TNI AD will be even better in maintaining sovereignty, territorial integrity and national safety," he said. Furthermore, he hopes that the soldiers of the Indonesian Army can further improve their professionalism as a means of national defense as well as in carrying out other tasks. "The TNI is not only a matter of national defense equipment, but also plays a role in helping the various difficulties of the people who are involved in non-war military operations. Indonesian Army soldiers must increase their sense of compassion, principle, and care for the Indonesian people," he said. Finally, Puan also congratulated Agus Subiyanto as the new Army Chief of Staff replacing TNI General Dudung Abdurahman who will soon enter retirement. "On behalf of myself and on behalf of the DPR, I congratulate General Agus Subiyanto as the new Army Chief of Staff. Hopefully under the leadership of General Agus, the TNI AD will be stronger, more compact and will continue to advance in order to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia," said Puan.
Previously, Agus Subiyanto was inaugurated as Army Chief of Staff by President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, replacing TNI General Dudung Abdurachman who will retire on November 19, 2023. Agus Subiyanto graduated from the Military Academy (Akmil) in 1991 and pursued his career as the first officer in the Red Beret Corps (Kopassus). Agus has accompanied Dudung as Deputy Army Chief of Staff since 2022. Agus has also served as Commander of the Military District Command (Dandim) 0735/Surakarta (2009-2011) and has been Commander of the Presidential Security Forces (Danpaspampres) for the period 2020-2021. Agus is one of the TNI officers who has been in a circle near Jokowi since serving as Mayor of Surakarta.

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