SEMARANG - The Semarang City Health Office revealed the findings of 445 cases of depression which became one of the mental health disorders of various health centers in the region until mid-October 2023.

Head of Semarang City Health Office Abdul Hakam said as many as 445 cases of depression disorders were found in 31 health centers spread across 16 sub-districts in Atlas City.

"The most maps of the distribution of cases of depression disorders are at the Mijen Health Center. The findings are 61 cases. This figure was obtained from a questionnaire distributed through the local health center," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 24.

After the Mijen Health Center, the second most depression findings were the Rowosari Health Center and Srondol with 36 cases each, then the Padangsari Health Center with 30 cases, and the Halmahera and Tlogosari Health Centers with 24 cases each.

However, there were six health centers that found no cases of depression, namely the Pandanaran, Krobokan, Old Temple, Genuk, Pudakpayung, and Tambakaji Health Centers.

In addition to depression, the most findings of mental health disorders were 276 cases of mixed anxietas and depression, 31 cases of neurotic disorders, 65 cases of sematoform disorders, and 116 cases of insomnia.

The Semarang City Health Office also found two cases of attempted suicide, namely at the Halmahera Health Center and the Bugangan Health Center.

According to Hakam, several efforts to handle and control mental health are carried out by the Health Office, for example by screening mental health for children aged 4-18 years and adults over 18 years using Strengths and Difficulties Investigationnare (SDQ).

The integrated coaching posts (posbindu), he said, are routinely carried out in each kelurahan, including anthropometric examinations, blood pressure, blood sugar, mental health, and the sense of sight or hearing.

"We are also increasing public awareness by educating and expanding information about mental health. In addition, inviting and educating cadres to actively monitor residents who need mental care," he said.

Currently, the Semarang City Community Health Implementation Team (TPKJM) has been formed to increase the capacity of health workers and health cadres through training or workshops, by presenting psychologist practitioners and psychiatrists.

"We also have Mental Health Consultation (Sultan) services at the puskesmas. In fact, we are preparing an integrated SultanOnline service," said Hakam.

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