JAKARTA - The spread of cases of monkeypox or monkeypox is becoming the government's attention after the findings of 7 active cases in Jakarta recently.
Monkeypox is transmitted through droplets in the form of phlegm, sneezing, saliva that contaminates the environment or hands, skin contact, wound contact, body fluids, and sexual contact.
Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Immunization Section of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Ngabila Salama, said that the fatality rate of the monkeypox case was 1 percent.
"Of the 100 positive cases, 1 death could be the majority due to secondary infection and low immunity conditions in the risk group LSL (sex men with men), pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children, the elderly," Ngabila said in his statement, Tuesday, October 24.
Ngabila explained, the public needs to anticipate monkeypox transmission by continuing to maintain personal hygiene by diligently wearing masks and washing hands with running water and soap, especially when you are sick and meeting sick people.
Then, avoid physical contact with people who are sick with fever, have symptoms of redness, acne, wounds, rinsing water on their skin. Then, also avoid facial contact with the patient's face, mouth, skin, and daily items.
"Safe, clean, healthy sexual intercourse using condoms. Do not have sex if your partner is sick, let alone there are wounds in the pubic area or is experiencing other sexually transmitted infections," Ngabila added.
Then, if you find any symptoms of monkeypox such as fever, lenting water content or skin wounds, especially accompanied by typical monkeypox symptoms, namely a lump or enlargement of the lymph node in the armpits, neck, groin, or thigh folding, Ngabila suggested that you immediately come to the health facilities of all health centers and hospitals for laboratory examinations.
Currently, there are 7 active cases of monkeypox and 1 case that was detected in August 2022 in Jakarta.
The details are 1 case from Jatinegara, Mampang 1 case, Kebayoran Lama 1 case, Setiabudi 2 cases, Grogol Petamburan 1 case, and Kembangan 1 case.
All confirmed monkeypox patients in Jakarta are men of productive age. The majority or about 71 percent are men aged 25-29 years, while 29 percent of them are men aged 30-39 years.
From the search results, it is known that 6 monkeypox patients are also people with HIV (ODHIV), and have bisexual orientation.
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