RTH Pasar Genjing Central Jakarta Becomes A Place For Alcoholic Party, Cleaning Officers Often Find Bottles Of Drinks And Plastic Waste
Cleaners found bottles of liquor in the Green Open Space (RTH) of Genjing Market, Central Jakarta/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Lack of supervision from City Parks and Forests officers and Satpol PP on a number of public spaces such as parks and other green open spaces (RTH) is still happening.

As seen in Pramuka park, Genjing Market, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta. In this park, people are often abused by irresponsible people as a drinking party (alcohol).

"Almost every day I get a number of bottles of alcohol in the park area. At least three bottles of alcohol must be found in the park," said Individual Other Service Providers (PJLP) of the City Forest Implementation Unit (Satpel) Cempaka Putih District, Lusiadi, Monday, October 23.

Lusiadi explained that this park is often used as a place to drink alcohol. Almost every day of activities, both women and men, drinking parties in the park.

"The busiest is from Friday to Sunday. Meanwhile, Monday to Thursday is not too crowded, but there are still those who drink liquor here. Some even drink during the day without alcohol," he said.

All the bottles left over from drinking alcohol are always hidden in the bushes of the plant. Some are even left without being hidden in the bushes.

"Sometimes we find bottles of alcohol broken, and plastic waste. There are also remnants of our weapons that damage parks and other facilities that are often damaged," he said.

Meanwhile, Mario, one of the residents, confirmed that there were negative activities that occurred in the park. Like being active in teenagers who often have liquor parties (Miras).

"It's a shame that this park is often a place for drunk people. Not to mention the remaining bottles they drink in the corners of the park," he said.

Mario hopes that officers must patrol more often, especially at night. Because the activities of the liquor party take place at night.

"It's even more enhanced by patrols by officers. If it's left like this, there should be a park that should be a relaxing place, it's actually a place for drinking parties," he said.

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