JAKARTA - China expressed deep disappointment over the United States' veto of the UN Security Council resolution on the current Israeli-Palestinian situation.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning, via the X platform, said the Security Council must act to defuse the conflict and prevent the humanitarian crisis from worsening.

As reported by ANTARA, on Wednesday (18/10), the US vetoed the draft UNSC resolution proposed by Brazil to demand a humanitarian pause in Gaza.

The resolution, which was opposed by the US, received support from 12 DK member countries, while Russia and the UK abstained.

“We are doing hard diplomatic work. "We believe we need to let diplomacy work," said US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield after the vote was taken by the 15-nation council.

"Yes, the resolution is important. And yes, this council must speak out. But the actions we take must be based on facts on the ground and support direct diplomatic efforts. This can save lives. The council needs to get this right," he said.

As Israel's traditional ally, the US protects Israel from any action from the UNSC.

“We are once again witness to the hypocrisy and double standards of our American partners,” said Russia's UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia.

A resolution drafted by Russia calling for a humanitarian ceasefire failed to pass on Monday (16/10).

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to allow the release of hostages and access for humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Russia has now asked the 193-member UN General Assembly to convene an emergency special session on the conflict.

They can decide to put the draft resolution to a General Assembly vote, where no country has veto power.

UN General Assembly resolutions are not binding, but they have political weight.

The latest conflict in the Middle East was sparked by fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas which began on October 7 2023, when Hamas fired rockets and infiltrated Israel by land, sea and air.

Hamas called its attack a response to Israel's raid on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem and increasing violence against Palestinians by Israeli settlers.

The Israeli military then responded by launching "Operation Iron Sword" in the Gaza Strip and completely blockading the area so that local residents did not have access to electricity and water, while water, food, fuel and medical supplies were running out.

More than 1,400 Israelis have been killed since the start of the Hamas operation, while at least 3,478 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.

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