JAKARTA - A young man with the initials W was found dead falling from the second floor of his house on Jalan Rajawali Selatan, Blok A, No. 32, RT 11/06, Gunung Sahari Utara Village, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta. The cause of the victim's fall is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol.
"The victim fell from the stairs. At the house the victim lived with his mother. It is known that the victim fell because he was still under the influence of alcohol or getting drunk," said North Gunung Sahari Village Head Hasbullah to reporters, Wednesday, October 18.
Hasbullah said the body of victim W had been taken to the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). A number of witnesses are also being questioned at the Sawah Besar Police.
"Several witnesses are at the police station for questioning," he said.
Meanwhile, the Sawah Besar Police Chief, Kompol Dhanar Dhono Vernandhie, confirmed that a resident with the initials W died as a result of falling from the stairs.
"The victim fell from the stairs and his legs were stuck on the sidelines of the iron ladder handle. The wound was around the stomach," he said.
Currently, the Sawah Besar Police have asked for information from two witnesses, the mother of the victim and her brother. Regarding the exact cause of the victim, we are still investigating.
"We are still investigating the cause of death. The examination of witnesses is still being carried out," he said briefly.
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