South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary explained about the explosion that caused one project worker to die on Jalan Boat No. 2 RT 07, Guntur Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta. After examining 3 witnesses, it was discovered that the explosion occurred after the victim took a break at noon, at around 13.00 WIB.

"Facts were found based on the statements of three witnesses who were friends of the victim, who were also both project workers, at the TKP (the crime scene). When the victim, namely brother A, finished resting at around 13 (1 pm), the victim continued his work again at the back of the house project. " explained Ade at the scene, Wednesday afternoon, October 18.

While continuing his work, the 49-year-old victim was warned by his colleague to be careful when hoeing the land that would be used as a foundation.

When digging, the victim found a bright object like white. Then one of the witnesses was reminded to be careful with the object. Then, the victim hit the object and eventually caused an explosion. " said Ade.

Members of the Setiabudi Police who received reports from the public went straight to the location to check.

"We found victim A dead in the dug ground they were working on. While the other three witnesses suffered minor injuries and are currently undergoing treatment at a nearby clinic." said Ade. When asked what kind of object he saw was white, Kombes Ade did not explain more specifically. Because his party is still conducting an in-depth investigation. We are still investigating this. Currently, the crime scene is still ongoing. Close Ade.

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