JAKARTA - The National Police's Narcotics Management Task Force arrested two suspects in the Fredy Pratama network. One of them is the family of the head of the narcotics kingpin.

"Arrested 2 new suspects, namely SG, who is the family of FP and also MNA who is a colleague of the FP," said Head of the National Police's Narcotics Management Task Force, Inspector General Asep Edi Suheri, to reporters, Wednesday, October 18.

In Fredy Pratama's network, the role of the suspect SG is to disguise money from the drug business. You do this by buying a number of assets.

"SG is the person who helped disguise the money from drug sales through the FP network and then SG bought several gross assets of land, hotels, and a number of buildings," he said.

Meanwhile, the suspect MNA is said to be acting as a courier. In addition, he also received money from the drug business of the Fredy Pratama network and also disguised him by buying a number of assets in the form of apartment units in the Yogyakarta area.

Bareskrim explained, MNA also used the money to finance his girlfriend, Angle Lee's celebrity.

"Some of the money was given to the Navy which is known to be a celebgram to finance daily life," he said.

In this arrest, investigators have also confiscated the assets of the two suspects. In detail, 13 banking accounts, cash amounting to Rp35 million, 43 plots of land and buildings, 39 (setifikat) SHM land and buildings worth Rp70 billion. And also finally 1 apartment unit in Yogyakarta worth Rp1.5 billion

"The total value of the confiscated assets is Rp71.53 billion," said Asep.

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