YOGYAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) presents domestic component-level certification services (TKDN) in digital form. This certificate is an important document for every industrial company for the smooth production or procurement of goods and services. How to manage TKDN certificates can now be done more easily and not complicated.

The digitization of TKDN certification carried out by the Ministry of Industry aims to support domestic products purchased in the procurement of government goods and services. It is hoped that industrial companies can utilize TKDN certification in digital form to increase the use of domestic products to be equitable and optimal in all circles.

With digital-based services, the TKDN certification process can be faster, more accountable, and transparent. So how to manage TKDN certificates online?

The following are a number of requirements that must be met to take care of TKDN certification, reported from the Indonesia.go.id page:

The Ministry of Industry seeks to simplify the process of managing TKDN certificates with digital-based services. TKDN certificates can be issued within 22 working days or less so that those who apply do not need to wait long and their accountability cannot be doubted.

To take care of TKDN certification, industrial companies must register their companies first through the National Industrial Information System (SIINAs) page. The following are steps to take care of TKDN certificates online that you need to know:

The amount of costs that must be prepared to take care of and obtain TKDN certificates can vary, depending on the type of product that will be surveyed. However, the Ministry of Industry has prepared the APBN to assist companies in obtaining TKDN certification for free.

It should be noted that each company can only apply for TKDN certification for two products. The costs for the next product certification, third, fourth products, and so on will be borne by the company.

Small industry owners can take care of TKDN certification without being charged a fee or free, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 46 of 2022 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Calculating the Value of TKDN for Small Industries.

Demikianlah informasi cara mengurus sertifikat TKDN secara online dan persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi. Kemenperin menghadirkan layanan berbasis digital agar pengurusan certifikasi TKDN menjadi lebih cepat, akuntabel, dan transparan.

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