The KPU sent a letter to the political party officials participating in the 2024 General Election regarding the requirements for the age of the presidential and vice presidential candidates such as the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) on the judicial review of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said in the letter the KPU asked the participating political parties to be guided by the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the requirements for presidential and vice presidential wells to be at least 40 years old or have experience as regional heads.

"We (KPU) are adjusting to the Constitutional Court's decision by submitting an official letter to the leadership of the political party to follow the sub-stantiation of the Constitutional Court's decision," said Hasyim Asy'ari as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 18.

He said the Constitutional Court's decision had been carried out since it was read, Monday (16/10), so that the KPU did not need to revise the KPU regulation (PKPU) and simply conveyed it through a letter to political parties.

"In the verdict, the Constitutional Court has also formulated an explanation regarding the case. (The letter was submitted) today," he added.

The KPU has issued PKPU Number 19 of 2023 concerning the Registration of Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates for the 2024 General Election.

In Article 13 paragraph 3 of the PKPU, the requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates are set at least 40 years from the time the KPU has determined the candidate pair by the KPU.

On Monday (16/10), the Constitutional Court granted some requests for judicial review of the Election Law regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates which were changed to at least 40 years old or had experience as regional heads.

The case with Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 was filed by an Indonesian citizen (WNI) named Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A who came from Surakarta City, Central Java.

Almas meminta syarat pencalonan capres dan cawapres diubah menjadi usia paling rendah 40 tahun atau berpengala sebagai kepala daerah, baik di tingkat provinsi maupun kabupaten dan kota.

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