JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani said that the declaration of the candidate for vice president (cawapres) accompanying Prabowo Subianto will be carried out after the general chairmen (ketum) of political parties in the Complete Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) are in Jakarta.

It is known that the Minister of Trade and chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan are traveling abroad with Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Now that the positions of KIM's party leaders are still overseas following Pak Jokowi's journey. God willing, after all the ketums are in Jakarta, we will immediately hold a KIM meeting to discuss the Prabowo Subianto pair," said Ahmad Muzani in Kertanegara, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.

Muzani said that the completeness of the chairman of KIM's political party was very important. Because according to him, one name for the final of Prabowo's vice presidential candidate must be approved by the entire chairman of the coalition party.

"That's why some of the things we plan to do in the days yesterday have been postponed because there is still our coalition chairman who is still accompanying Pak Jokowi's trip to China and to Saudi Arabia," he explained.

Muzani denied the delay in the declaration of Prabowo's vice presidential candidate because the vice presidential candidate who would be proposed had not provided certainty.

"No. This was postponed solely because there was still a general chairman who accompanied President Jokowi's visit," said Muzani.

Even so, Muzani said, his party would prepare the registration technical until the Prabowo National Winning Team (TPN) while waiting for the completeness of the chairman of the political party KIM.

"So, at the time of registration there will be five most important things. First, there is a presidential candidate. Second, there is a vice presidential candidate. Third, there is a coalition party. Fourth, there is a vision and mission. Fifth, there is a winning team," he said.

Muzani did not deny that Prabowo's presidential candidate declaration and registration to the Indonesian KPU would be carried out on the same day. However, he admitted that he did not know the exact order related to the declaration and registration of the prospective presidential and vice presidential candidate KIM.

"I don't know what the sequence is. What is the list, then the declaration, what is the new declaration announced, basically I don't know the order because the meeting will be held after the chairman is all in Jakarta," he concluded.

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