YOGYAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is preparing a governor regulation (pergub) for the management of Philosophy As the basis for starting management throughout the area that has been designated as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO.

"We have prepared the legality, we have prepared world heritage documents, the governor's regulations must also be comfortable," said Head of the DIY Culture Service Dian Lakshmi Pratiwi in Yogyakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 17.

Dian said the policy of managing the world heritage would be discussed in a joint secretariat which would later be filled with elements from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the DIY Provincial Government, the Yogyakarta City Government, the Bantul Regency Government, and the Yogyakarta Palace.

"From the secretariat, there will be derivatives at the lower level, namely sub-districts and sub-districts in the world heritage area," he said.

According to him, the joint secretariat is a means of distributing the work of the Philosophy Axis management which stretches from the Krapyak Stage to the Yogyakarta Monument to be in harmony.

"In the near future, the rules of the game will be discussed first, so that there is no overlap on who is doing what, in what way," said Dian Lakshmi.

In addition to paying attention to UNESCO's recommendations, according to him, the management of Philosophy Axis will also refer to the management plan documents that have been prepared. The document contains plans to overcome five factors of pressure on the area, namely development pressure, environment, preparedness for disasters, tourism and sustainable culture, and empowerment of the surrounding community.

"All of that must run in parallel. Later there will be a scale that is adjusted to the RPJMD (Regional Medium Term Development Plan)," he said.

Previously, UNESCO established the Yogyakarta Philosophy Axis as one of Indonesia's world heritages at the 45th Session of the World Heritage Committee or WHC in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Monday (18/9).

The Yogyakarta Philosophy Axis on the UNESCO World Heritage List entitled "The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta and It's Historical Landmarks" is recognized as a world heritage, because it is considered to have an important universal meaning.

The concept of spatial planning, known as the Yogyakarta Philosophy Axis, was first initiated by the First King of the Ngayogyakarta Sultanate Hadiningrat in the 18th century.

This spatial layout concept was created based on the Javanese conception and in the form of a straight road structure that stretches between the Krapyak Stage in the south, the Yogyakarta Kraton, and the Yogyakarta Tugu in the north.

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