Jambi Governor Al Haris has fully handed over teaching and learning policies to school principals (kepsek) in the midst of air pollution due to forest and land fires or forest and land fires.

Al Haris said Kepsek could take a face-to-face learning policy or online according to field conditions.

He said that he had conveyed to the Kepsek that if their area was thick with smoke, please immediately closed it off, on the other hand, if Jambi City is in good condition please go to school.

"So it means that we don't apply it massively all simultaneously, because this smoke is not from us," said Al Haris in Jambi, Tuesday, October 17, quoted by Antara.

He said the smog still enveloped several areas such as Jambi City and East Tanjung Jabung (Tanjabtim) from 9 to 10 October.

He also warned the Kepsek to be sensitive to air conditions in their respective areas.

According to him, online learning is not good for students if it lasts a long time.

He said the smoke that was felt in Jambi City and its surroundings was carried by the wind which generally blows from southeast to northwest, so that smoke moves into the Jambi Province area which causes the air quality in Jambi City to be classified as unhealthy.

"In addition to forest and land fires, the poor air quality is also caused by other factors, namely this smoke comes from outside Jambi, so that a smog depends on the direction of the wind eye," he said.

In addition, he continued, the BMKG prediction predicts that this kind of air will occur until next November. Currently, the Jambi Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) is in the unhealthy category.

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