JAKARTA - Perhaps the negative perception about the police is still in the minds of many people. But try to look broadly. There are many policemen who are devoted to serving the community.

Presisi Police. The jargon brought by National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Prediktif (predictive), responsibilitas (responsibility), transparansi berkeadilan (righteous transparency) echoed by General Sigit bringing a change to the National Police.

It was being viral on social media, an action from policemen in Demak, Central Java. A video of police helping a seller with disabilities is shared by Instagram accounts of regional-specific information.

Videos of police helping disabled sellers were also shared by the official Instagram account of the Demak Police, namely the polresdemak.

From videos shared on social media, a teenager with disabilities is passing by on their black bicycle selling fruit.

The weather conditions are cloudy, after the rain. There are two policemen on duty to stop this fruit seller.

All of the fruits in the sales cart of this disabled teenager are bought up. The police give several bills of IDR 100 thousand to pay for all the fruits that were on sale.

This young man in a koko shirt with a black skullcap is selling various fruits from bananas to oranges. Not just buying, this policeman escorted the seller back to his home. Of course, the seller's bicycle is transported in the back of the patrol car.

The video also illustrates how the fruit-selling teenager struggles. Starting the day by praying until buying fruits to be sold again.

In this part of the video, the police take this disabled person to a bicycle shop. The young man chose a red bicycle with a basket in front. This bicycle certainly helps him to continue his daily life struggle by selling fruit on the streets.

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