JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) held a judicial review of the presidential and vice presidential age limit lawsuit. Two camps in the 2024 presidential election have spoken out regarding the position of Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is predicted to be advancing to accompany Prabowo Subianto as vice presidential candidate

PDIP Secretary General HastoKristiyanto assessed that the public does not need to demonstrate ahead of the presidential candidate (candidate) and his deputy candidate who will be determined by the Constitutional Court (MK) today, Monday, October 16.

This warning applies to party cadres, sympathizers to supporters of Ganjar Pranowo. Hasto believes the judges will maintain their integrity.

"If the principle of statesmanship of the Constitutional Court judge is pawned for other interests, there will be political karma," said Hasto in a written statement, Monday, October 16.

Hasto said there was a sentence that said that everything that was good or bad would be found out. "So what are you doing at the demonstration? Just pay close attention to the decisions that have been taken," he said.

He also believes that the public can judge when there are rules that are not in accordance with the interests of the nation but based on the wishes of the family or group. If this is the case, it is not impossible for the people to lose confidence in the Constitutional Court.

"And in the end the people will make corrections," said Hasto.

"So it's better than a demonstration that we stand for the belief that who sows the wind will reap the storm," he continued.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, said that the person who will accompany Prabowo Subianto as a vice presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election will be announced after the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the minimum age lawsuit for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"This is Sunday (15/10/2023), Monday or Tuesday, yes. Anyway, be patient, we are waiting for the Constitutional Court's decision, just be patient," he said in Solo Baru, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Sunday, October 15.

Muzani said that the Constitutional Court's decision was final and binding, so it had to be awaited.

The Constitutional Court's decision regarding the presidential and vice presidential age limit is planned to be announced by the Constitutional Court on Monday, October 16, 2023. If the lawsuit is granted, then the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, has the opportunity to become a vice presidential candidate, considering that his name has been proposed by the Gerindra Party DPC as the vice presidential candidate accompanying Prabowo Subianto.

Gibran's age is still below what is required at this time, which is at least 40 years old, while Gibran is still 36 years old. Many parties are waiting for the Constitutional Court's decision on a minimum age lawsuit for presidential and vice presidential candidates who want it to be reduced from 40 years to 35 years old.

"The Constitutional Court's decision is final and binding. Wait, be patient," said Muzani.

There are 7 requests for judicial review related to the age limit of the presidential and vice presidential candidates that will be read out by the Constitutional Court judge. The seven are the first, namely case number 29/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Dedek Prayudi. Second, case Number 51/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Yohananna Murtika and Ahmad Ridha Sabana, then third, case number 55/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Erman Safar and Pandu Kesuma Dewangsa.

Fourth, case number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A. Fifth, number 91/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Arkaan Wahyu Re A. Sixth, case number 92/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicant Melisa Mylitiachristi Tarandung.

The last is the pronunciation of Decision/Decision for Case Number 105/PUU-XXI/2023 with applicants Soefianto Soetono and Imam Hermanda.

The petitioners tested Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. This article regulates the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates of 40 years. The petitioners requested that the minimum age requirement limit be lowered with different standards. There are applicants who ask to be reduced to 30 years, there are applicants who ask for 35 years and some ask that alternative requirements be regulated.

The judicial review of the provisions of the minimum age requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates has so far been associated with one of the potential vice presidential candidates, namely Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is constrained by the minimum age requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates if he wants to run as a vice presidential candidate. The reason is, currently, Gibran is still 36 years old.

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