JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board assessed that the reaction of the PKB General Chair, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) was excessive in responding to the invitation to see the record of candidate leaders, especially related to religious politics or the use of religion as a political tool.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of PBNU Ishfah Abidal Aziz or Gus Alex in a written statement received by the editors, Friday, October 13.

According to him, Cak Imin should support the invitation if he feels he does not have a track record of using religion as a political tool. This is because the call to see the track record is in line with NU's political guidelines.

"Muhaimin's reaction is excessive, he should even support it," said Gus Alex.

He suspects that Cak Imin, who will be the vice presidential candidate, will accompany Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election, is tired or desperate because he cannot control PBNU.

"My advice is that if Muhaimin feels tired, it's better to just rest," he said.

Gus Alex emphasized that the invitation to see the track record of prospective leaders is positive and should be supported. This is because the invitation is in line with the political guidelines of NU citizens. The call is also an effort to prioritize the benefit of the people.

"The call for the public to really see the track record of prospective leaders who are committed not to using religion as a political tool for achieving power is an attitude that prioritizes general benefits and efforts to continue to maintain the basic values of nationality," he said.

He said the call was in line with PBNU's policy in responding to political dynamics. This was also conveyed by the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya when delivering nine political guidelines for Nahdlatul Ulama residents, which was the result of the 28th PBNU Congress in 1989.

"The results of the 28th Congress are a form of commitment from kiai, ulama, santri, and various nahdliyyin groups," he said.

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