JATENG - The leadership and members of the Working Group (Pokja) for the Procurement of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) are suspected of having also received a fee from the implementation of JGSS 4 and 6 or two projects to improve the Solo Balapan to Kalioso train lines in Solo City, Central Java (Central Java).

This was acknowledged by the Head of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso Railway Doubles Project (JGSS 6) Budi Prasetyo during the trial of alleged project bribery at the Kemeenhub Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) at the Semarang Corruption Court, Central Java, Thursday, October 12.

Witness Budi Prasetyo was questioned in the case with the defendant Head of the Central Java Railway Engineering Center Putu Sumarjaya and Commitment Making Officer (PPK) Bernard Hasibuan.

Budi explained that the total fee for the JGSS 4 Project Working Group was IDR 500 million from the Director of PT Istana Putra Agung Dion Renato Sugiarto.

From that much money, Budi, who served as chairman of the working group, received a share of Rp. 100 million. Meanwhile, four members of the working group each received a share of Rp. 80 million, while the other two people received Rp. 40 million.

Meanwhile, when he was a member of the JGSS 6 Package Working Group, the witness claimed to have received a share of Rp. 100 million, which also came from Dion Renato Sugiarto.

"I have handed over all the money to KPK investigators," he said in the trial chaired by Chief Judge Gatot Sarwadi.

The witness said that the money was given in connection with the implementation of the job auction which had previously been directed by the Director of the DJKA Infrastructure of the Ministry of Transportation Harno Trimadi to win certain companies.

He said that giving money to pokja by the executor of the work had become a habit.

"The amount of money given is determined by the official making the project commitment concerned," he said.

Another witness who was examined at the trial, namely an employee of PT Istana Putra Agung Wisnu Argo Megantoro. The witness admitted that he had handed over money to witness Budi Prasetyo.

"Mr. Dion ordered to hand over the money to a place like Budi in Bekasi," he added.

Wisnu admitted that he did not know the amount of money that was handed over because it was already in a plastic package.

Previously, the Head of the Central Java Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Putu Sumarjaya was tried for receiving fees from the implementing contractor of three projects in Central Java.

Putu together with Central Java BTP commitment maker Bernard Hasibuan, who was also tried in the same case, engineered the Director of PT Istana Putra Agung Dion Renato Sugiarto as the winner of the three railway projects.

The three projects are each of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso KM 96 + 400 to KM 104 + 900 (JGSS 6) double lines, construction of the Solo elevated KA Balapan-Kadipiro KM 104 + 900 s.d. KM 106 + 900 (JGSS 4), and Track Layout Tegal Station.

The total fee received directly by the defendants Putu Sumarjaya and Bernard Hasibuan from these projects reached Rp7.4 billion.

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