Surakarta City Government welcomes the repair of the Solo-Wonogiri rail line by PT Persero Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) to accelerate the economic movement of the community.

Surakarta City Economic and Development Assistant Gatot Sutanto said the regional economy was influenced by the movement of people, goods and services.

"So apart from being safe, it must also be effective and efficient," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 12.

He said access to the distribution of goods and transportation of people with a train fleet is more effective when compared to road transportation.

"Cars are higher in cost, besides that smoke also causes pollution," he said.

He said the city of Solo does not have natural resources so it depends on other regions. Therefore, according to him, smooth distribution flows are important to pay attention to.

"The construction of Surakarta depends on activities including the movement of goods and services. In this case, the leverage train is very large," he said.

In addition, his party also appreciated PT KAI's efforts to beautify Solo Balapan Station by adding a Lokomotive Monument.

He said the addition of new monuments in Solo added new destinations for tourists or visitors.

"People come here not bored. There are new ornaments, the loko is quite old. So this is rare," he said.

Previously, PT KAI immediately increased access to Solo-Wonogiri route services as part of service to the community.

"We want to revive the track to Wonogiri. The track is still R40, R33. The speed can't be high," said PT KAI (Persero) President Director Didiek Hartantyo.

He said with a speed of 10-30 km/hour while crossing within the city, the Solo-Wonogiri route train was left behind when compared to road transportation.

"Compared to road transportation being left behind. Therefore, we want to revive the train, once there is a lot of transportation," he said.

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