JAKARTA - The founder of the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) Denny JA, Denny Januar Ali, said that research should also be denied with research results, not by legal summons.

"Research results should also be denied by research results. If the results of research are denied by legal summons, it will be remembered by history," Denny said in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.

This was conveyed in response to the legal summons sent by the Legal Advocacy Agency (BAHU) of the North Sumatra NasDem Party regarding the results of a survey regarding the electability of the candidate for president (candidate) Anies Baswedan in the North Sumatra region.

"In early October 2023, the LSI survey institute Denny JA was sued and legally summoned because support for Anies Baswedan in North Sumatra in the survey was very small," he said.

According to Denny JA, the survey results were often greeted with a sweet smile by those who won the survey, and were greeted with sharp smiles and even criticism by those who at that time lost the survey results.

"For many other cases, as well as cases of regional elections, the camps that were defeated even suspected that there was a high level game, they even said that the results of this survey were arranged to later justify election fraud or regional elections," he said.

This incident, continued Denny JA, has occurred repeatedly in every presidential election since 2004, including the regional elections.

For this reason, he assessed that political elites are important to be more relaxed in reading the results of the survey ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

"Political elites, especially those who have just been involved in practical politics, must learn to be more relaxed in reading the results of public opinion surveys," he said.

Denny JA then explained that there were three tips to assess whether the credible or not was the survey results, namely looking at the track records of survey institutions through online search engines. Second, looking at the reputation and work of related survey institutions based on the achievements they made.

"Tips ketiga, survei juga harus dilihat dalam frame waktu. Survei itu hanya gambar ketika survei itu dilakukan. Waktu yang berbeda dapat juga menghasilkan survei yang berbeda," kata dia.

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