A total of 3,409 joint personnel were involved in securing the 2023 MotoGP event which will take place at the Mandalika Circuit, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). "Indeed, this number is what we are currently preparing, but it can change in line with conditions on the ground," said NTB Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Monday, October 9. The joint personnel involved in the security, he explained, came from the TNI/Polri, Basarnas, and elements of the regional government with a total of 3,000 people. "The rest, 409 people came from the assistance of the National Police Headquarters, Lampung Police, South Sumatra Police, and East Java Police," he said. He said security would run for a week from Tuesday to Monday, October 16. This is carried out to anticipate security before until after the activity which lasts for three days starting from October 13 to 15, 2023. To ensure the readiness of personnel, the NTB Police Chief in charge of securing MotoGP has held the Mandalika II Rinjani 2023 Operation Force rally at Bhara Daksa Field, NTB Police, Monday (9/10) morning. To the personnel on duty, Inspector General Djoko reminded them to carry out their duties with a full sense of responsibility and hoped to make the mandate of this task a field of worship. "Don't forget to carry out your duties professionally and humanely. Stay alert, stay coordinating, anticipate all potential disturbances," he said.
He explained that the security pattern still uses strategies at the previous event, both in creating a sense of comfort and security for visitors, regulating traffic flow, escorting VVIP guests, and securing all forms of threats and implementation disturbances. "In principle, security is ready and the safety of the people is the main thing," he said.

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