JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th vice presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) stated that the attack on Hamas troops on Israel was part of the struggle to seize freedom and independence.
"It was an extraordinary act for freedom and independence," said JK in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, October 8.
JK, who is also a peace figure in Aceh, Poso, and Ambon, considers Hamas' attack on Israel to be a sudden and rare attack.
"This is an attack carried out by confidentiality, extraordinary and rare planning," said the Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council.
Hamas attacks in Gaza suddenly on Saturday, October 7 attacked Israel from various directions, both by air, land, and sea.
The surprise felt by Israelis coincided with the celebration of Simchat Torah, one of the most encouraging days on the Jewish calendar.
In several reports, more than 250 people have died on both sides and more than 1,500 injured.
Things that have sparked tensions that have long raged between Israel and Palestine. The dispute between the two is related to the sensitive Mosque complex, which is tarnished by Muslims and Jews and remains the emotional core of the Israeli and Palestinian conflicts.
The claim of each party to this site, known by Jews as the Holy Bait Hill, led to previous violence, including an 11-day bloody war between Israel and Hamas in 2021.
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