JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo said he had to face legal problems the day after returning from his visit to Europe. Even though his activities take care of the interests of the state.

This was conveyed in the midst of the circulating issue that he had disappeared. The news was busy and became a polemic after being conveyed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Harvick Hasnul Qolbi.

One day after I returned from Rome, Italy and Spain to carry out activities representing the country. I am in the process of making an official working visit on behalf of the state, in the name of the interests of the state. And one day after coming I was immediately faced with a problem," said Syahrul at NasDem Tower, Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Thursday, October 4.

The news of Syahrul's disappearance was conveyed by Harvick not without reason. Because, Syahrul should have returned to the country from his visit to Europe on October 1.

Harvick said at that time Syahrul made a working visit to Italy and Spain along with three echelon I officials, several echelon II officials, and Ministry of Agriculture staff. However, when they returned to the country, they were separated.

Syahrul is also said to be unreachable. "It's only been two, three days (not being able to communicate with SYL, ed)," said Harvick after attending a limited meeting at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 3.

Even so, NasDem denied that Syahrul had disappeared after being reportedly entangled in allegations of corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture. The General Treasurer of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, said his colleague was having activities that could not be abandoned.

Later, Syahrul is said to have had prostate disease so he had to seek treatment before returning to the country on Wednesday night, October 4.

Previously reported, Syahrul was reportedly entangled with two of his subordinates, namely the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono, and the Director of Agricultural Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

KPK investigators have conducted a search to investigate this case. At the official residence of Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo, investigators found Rp30 billion in cash consisting of rupiah denominations and foreign currency as well as firearms.

Then, the search was continued at the Ministry of Agriculture's Office. As a result, documents related to the corruption case were found.

Investigators also visited Hatta's house in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. From the forced effort, Rp400 million was found.

The findings obtained from the search are now being analyzed and confiscation will be carried out. Meanwhile, the findings of firearms were handed over to the police for follow-up.

On Wednesday, October 4, the KPK then searched the private house of the Minister of Agriculture in Makassar, South Sulawesi. At the last location, the KPK has not provided an official statement

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