JAKARTA - The 2024 presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, visited the Indonesia Modification & Lifestyle Expo (IMLE) 2023 exhibition at JCC Jakarta, Saturday 30 September. A number of automotive modifications made by the nation's children on display amazed Ganjar.

There are various types of modifications on display at the event. Accompanied by a national racer, Rifat Sungkar, Ganjar toured one by one the collection of modified cars on display. He also had time to chat with a number of builders or modifiers in that place.

"It's cool, you know, how long has it been like this? The details are very okay," said Ganjar.

A number of cars attracted Ganjar's attention. One of them is the Hyundai brand car. Ganjar is interested in the car because the modifications are unusual. On the car plate, it reads RI-1 Concept in red. "Wow, there is this presidential car," said Ganjar.

At first glance the car is like an ordinary car. However, after seeing the details, the interior design and exterior are different from other cars.

"We have specifically designed this car to accommodate the performance of the president, sir. The concept is the presidential car. The design is special and matches the terrain in all regions in Indonesia," said one of the modifiers explaining it to Ganjar.

Rifat Sungkar, who accompanied Ganjar, explained that the car is the only custom car in Indonesia that carries the concept of a presidential car. The car was made by the nation's children from various regions in Indonesia.

"This is the only custom car with the theme of Pak Ganjar's presidency. The idea is indeed very interesting," he said.

Ganjar was so interested that he saw the details of the car. He saw the outside and the inside of the car while smiling. "The modification cool, the idea is also interesting," he said.

"When Mr. Ganjar is appointed as president," said a number of modifiers.

Ajang Curhat

Not only showing off his work, the opportunity to meet Ganjar was also used by modifiers to convey complaints. The pre-modifier assessed that their creations were hindered by state policies that were deemed less supportive.

"Sir, please, sir, the rules are made easier. We are always constrained because the rules that are deemed unfavorable. For example, you have to replace the car engine, it doesn't sell for sale because on the road officers are always questioned," the modifiers vented.

Ganjar listened carefully to the input of the modifiers. According to him, in the midst of a rapidly changing situation, including automotive, there must be clarity so that they can work.

"For example, if there is a motorbike engine made for cars, there are those who work in the body. The question is, this very creative industry has not yet got free business," he explained.

So that their work has not been able to develop because there are no documents. So the state, Ganjar continued, must be involved in providing solutions.

"When there is a motorbike engine made by a car and the letter is not there, then this must be held. This is categorized as X so that these modifiers get space. So this is the creative industry whose rules must also be creative again," he concluded.

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