JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is now investigating the irregularities in the assets of a number of officials, including the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of East Java, Adhy Karyono. This step was taken after his State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) was worked on some time ago.

Meanwhile, Adhy was an Expert Staff for Changes and Social Dynamics of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the Khofifah Indar Parawansa era as Minister of Social Affairs.

"Mr. Adhy Karyono is now the East Java Regional Secretary. He has been investigated but was in the position at the Ministry of Social Affairs," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan as quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Saturday, September 30.

Apart from Adhy Karyono, the KPK also investigated five officials because of the irregularities in their assets. The five are the former Head of East Jakarta BPN Sudarman, Head of East Jakarta Intermediate Tax Office Wahono Saputro and Rachamansyah Ismail, as well as the former Head of ESDM Central Sulawesi who is now Acting Regent of Morowali Racmansyah Ismail.

"Head of the Central Sulawesi ESDM Service, we invite clarification, the third invitation is just coming. Because we checked it, we finally invited the Governor of Central Sulawesi. It was just scheduled. So the development of the Head of the Central Sulawesi ESDM Service," said Pahala.

Furthermore, Pahala also revealed that the LHKPN KPK Directorate would summon a number of officials. One of them is the Head of the Central Kalimantan ESDM Service and the President Director of the Indonesian Trade Company (PPI).

"Don't ask about the results, haven't (called, ed) yet. But if you are called, it means that from the document there is something that needs clarification," he said.

For information, the KPK has ensnared a number of suspects from the investigation by the LHKPN and public reports. Among them, former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Rafael Alun Trisambodo, former Head of Makassar Customs Andhi Pramono, and former Head of Yogyakarta Customs Eko Darmanto.

The three of them were charged with receiving gratuities and money laundering (TPPU). Rafael's case has now been tried at the Jakarta Corruption Court, while Andhi and Eko are still in the process of being investigated.

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