PAPUA - The police confirmed that there was no intentional element in the burning of the Jayapura General Election Commission (KPU) office and three other buildings.
Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen said the fire of four buildings in Jayapura on July 17, 2023 had released the results of his research from the Papua Police Labfor Division.
"The results of the ash examination that were studied were negative from the fuels in the drums, carbon and solvents that were easily lit," he said in Sentani, Jayapura, Papua, Friday, September 29, which was confiscated by Antara.
According to the Police Chief, there were no other elements in the fire that caused the KPUD office fire and three others.
"This is our job on how to be able to investigate the source of the fire (which caused the fire of four offices including the KPU)," he said.
He explained, from the results of the Papua Police Labfor there were no other elements such as carbon bio, solvent or other flammable fluids.
"For example, gasoline or other fuel, it is the result of research from ash taken from the Labfor team so that this is a tough job to investigate the source of the fire and the cause of the fire itself," he said.
He added that at the starting point the fire was in accordance with the information that there were many flammable objects such as paper.
"We will re-check the structure of the fire location, how the fire point was so that the fire could occur," he said.
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