The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Representative of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) said the construction of the toll road from Payakumbuh to Pangkalan and passing through five villages (villages) had been diverted following protests from the local community.

"Initially the toll road construction was planned to pass through five villages, but the route in the five villages was diverted," said the Head of Komnas HAM, a representative of West Sumatra, Sultanul in Padang, Friday, September 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

Sultanul said the certainty of the toll road transfer was after Komnas HAM previously received complaints from affected communities. Then, coordinate with the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Limapuluh Kota.

From the audience with the public, the Limapuluh Kota Regency Government and the developer, namely the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA), agreed that the route which initially passed five villages was diverted to Sarilamak, Payakumbuh and headed to Pekanbaru.

"Information from the Regent, the toll road was diverted because there were protests from the public in five villages," said the Head of Komnas HAM West Sumatra.

Sultanul explained that the relocation of the toll road, which is a national strategic project, took into account several things, including the rights of indigenous peoples, the livelihood and so on.

The local government together with the local National Human Rights Commission are worried that the five-kilometer toll road that passes through 556 families will have an impact on the loss of customary values and culture that have lived for a long time.

"If they are transferred, the rights of indigenous peoples such as customary land can automatically be removed," he explained.

Based on the Komnas HAM meeting with the community who are members of the People's Forum affected by the construction of toll roads, the Limapuluh Kota Regency Government and related parties, there are several statements from the regent, including the construction of toll roads, which are national strategic projects related to the interests of many people and need to be successful.

On July 10, 2023, representatives of PT JICA had an audience and conveyed plans for the construction of toll roads. According to a letter from the government, there are three routes that will be passed from Payakumbuh to Pangkalan.

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