JAKARTA - The administration of the President of the United States (US) Joe Biden, announced the suspension of the agreement to grant asylum to citizens of three countries in Central America, namely El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

The policy, announced at the end of last week, is part of an effort to undo the hardline immigration policy pursued by former US President Donald Trump.

In a statement, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States had "suspended" and started a process to end the Asylum Cooperation Agreement with the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. This he described as the first concrete step towards the greater partnership and collaboration President Joe Biden sought.

This announcement follows a number of steps in the field of immigration announced last week by the Jo Biden Administration. This includes reuniting families separated on the US-Mexico border, as well as increasing the number of annual refugee limits.

To note, while still serving as US President, Donald Trump signed a 'Safe Third Country' agreement with Central American countries in 2019.

"The Donald Trump administration's controversial policy to crack down on illegal immigrants from Central America on the US-Mexico border has never been implemented with El Salvador and Honduras", the US Foreign Ministry said last week.

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