A total of 13 wells to reduce the impact of the long dry season which caused drought in various places in the northern region of the Bengawan River, Sragen Regency, were inaugurated today.

"The assistance worth Rp. 25 million for each well is expected to reduce the impact of the dryness in the north of Begawawan in the Sragen area," said Sragen Regent Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati on the sidelines of the inauguration of 13 wells in Srawung Village, Gesi District, Sragen Regency, Tuesday, September 26, confiscated by Antara.

At the inauguration which was held in Gesi, Mondokan, and Sumberlawang sub-districts, Kusdinar said that the reduction in the dry impact had not been calculated. However, before there was assistance from wells, until now the drop in clean water has reached 1,000 water tanks in this area.

According to him, if calculated, if in one tank it is Rp. 300 thousand, it means that a fee has been issued of around Rp. 300 million. With this well, it can reduce water dropping assistance.

Kusdinar said that there had actually been efforts to overcome drought by adding PDAM networks in Tangen and Jenar. However, this well is for areas that are far from PDAM. Not bad can be used by one RT in each well. The regulations are submitted to community groups.

He explained that if the 25 aid wells had been installed, they could only be analyzed and calculated. Comparing the current drought map, and seeing the changes after the aid well.

The Regent explained that for water quality, laboratory tests were carried out. "The daily needs have been resolved with this assistance. It's just a matter of drinking water needs, usually people use refilled water. Here the water contains lime," he said.

Meanwhile, the pipeline to residents' houses was handed over to community groups (Pokmas). In Srawung Village, Gesi District, there is already Pokmas and a pipeline that is available.

He emphasized that aid was distributed in four sub-districts, namely Gesi, Sumberlawang, Mondokan, and Tangen sub-districts. Gesi sub-district is made eight points out of four villages. In Mondokan sub-district there is one point for one village, in Sumberlawang there are four points in four villages.

Kusdinar also advised to plant trees to maintain water reserves.

Meanwhile, PDAM Director Tirtonegoro Sragen Hanindyo Heru Pratikno said that the largest basin sought water reserves. He believes it can last three to four years. The inside reaches 80 meters, so it doesn't interfere with residents' existing wells.

The assistance worth Rp. 25 million per well reaches the reservoir. "We have helped six well locations. Meanwhile, the other seven wells are from various parties," he said.

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