BANJARNEGARA - The public prosecutor (JPU) from the Banjarnegara District Attorney's Office (Kejari) charged with a combination of the defendant Tuhari alias Tohari alias Mbah Slamet (46).
Not only did the murder plan against 12 people under the guise of a money multiplier shaman, Tohari was also charged with fraud together, embezzlement and counterfeit money.
"We explained that the indictment for the Tuhari or Mbah Slamet case was a combination of the indictment," said Head of the Banjarnegara Public Prosecutor's Team Nasruddin in Banjarnegara, Antara, Tuesday, September 26.
Nasruddin told reporters after the first trial of the murder case planning under the guise of a money multiplier shaman with the defendant Mbah Slamet in the Cakra Room, Banjarnegara District Court.
The trial was chaired by Chief Justice Niken Rochayati and member judges, Tomi Sugianto and Arief Wibowo. In the combination indictment, he said, there were cumulative charges and there were alternative charges.
"So, the merger is combined," explained the Head of the General Crime Section of the Banjarnegara Kejari.
Especially for Mbah Slamet, the Public Prosecutor charged the defendant with the first primary charge in accordance with Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
According to him, the indictment relates to the premeditated murder by the defendant Mbah Slamet against 12 victims.
"The second charge is the charges of counterfeit money, namely Article 36 paragraph (2) jo. Article 26 paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency," he said.
Furthermore, the third indictment is Article 378 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code aimed at fraud cases committed by Mbah Slamet together with Budi Santoso who has been sentenced to 3 years and 6 months
According to him, the fraud case involved two victims, namely Irwan Setiawan and the late Paryanto.
"The victim on behalf of Irwan Setiawan is still alive with a loss of Rp. 54.1 million and the victim Paryono who died (killed by Mbah Slamet, ed.) the loss is around Rp. 70 million," he explained.
The fourth indictment, Article 372 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with victims Irwan Setiawan and the late Paryanto.
"So, the indictment is like that in its form. Murder is premeditated, then the second is counterfeit money, the third is fraud that is carried out together, and the fourth embezzlement is carried out together," said Nasruddin.
Regarding the agenda of examining witnesses, he admitted that the number of witnesses prepared was quite a lot.
He said that there was a case that Budi Santoso would be transferred back to the Banjarnegara District Court for victims who had died.
Dalam agenda sidang berikutnya, yang sebenarnya pemeriksaan saksi untuk perkara Mbah Slamet, sidang perkara Budi Santoso lainnya diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan pada hari yang sama.
According to him, this was because almost all witnesses in the Mbah Slamet case were the same as witnesses for the Budi Santoso case.
"It is hoped that on the same day that the next trial we will summon the witness to witness the Tohari case (Mbah Slamet, ed.) and also as a witness in the Budi Santoso case," he said.
According to him, this is so that it can meet the principles of rapid, simple, and low-cost justice so that witnesses do not come back and forth to court.
Alluding to the criminal threat against Mbah Slamet, he said that Article 340 of the Criminal Code related to premeditated murder was maximal in the form of the death penalty.
"What will the demand be? Wait for the facts of the trial. So, we can't give an overview of how much we want to be prosecuted, we can't," said Nasruddin.
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