The police revealed that Bar New La Bunker or Bunker Bar at Grand ITC Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta has been operating since January 2024. Until finally it was permanently closed by the manager, in January 2025, the bar, which is suspected to be a gathering place for LGTB people, was only operating for a year.
"So far we have asked the employee, it has been open for one year, starting January 2024 then yesterday it was permanently closed on January 1, 2025," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, January 6.
Regarding the alleged activities of LGBT, his party is still investigating. Therefore, a number of witnesses have been examined to the manager of the bar.
"Still looking for information that clearly sees, hears, and knows what happened yesterday. Five people we examined or we asked for information (until) our manager asked for information," he said.
He also said that CCTV was also being investigated to ensure the truth of the practice of LGBT people.
Meanwhile, the witness who raided Bunker Bar, Muhammad Ihsan, said that during the raid there were dozens of teenagers aged around 19-20 years. The teenagers looked like women, both in clothes and behavior.
"Others of people, about 25 people, the behavior of I.aku is starting that way. But if you kiss, don't see it. It's just starting." he said.
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