West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) released pangolin protected animals or sweet javanica into the Maninjau Nature Reserve forest area, Agam Regency, Monday, September 25. Head of the Conservation Resort Region II Maninjau BKSDA West Sumatra Rusdiyan P. Ritonga said the 5 kilogram pangolin was about three years old and in good health. "This is based on the results of observations that we carried out. With these conditions, the pangolin was immediately released into the conservation forest area. We also released wild owls at that location," he said in Lubuk Basung, West Sumatra, Monday, September 25, confiscated by Antara.

He said the pangolin was the handover of Dodi Erianto (43), a resident of Simpang Ampek Tangah, Jorong Surabayo, Nagari or the Lubuk Basung Traditional Village, Lubuk Basung District, Sunday, September 24 night. The animal entered his stall. Seeing the animal, Dodi immediately reported it to the Maninjau Region II Resort BKSDA West Sumatra. "Getting the report, we went straight to the location to secure the animal and took it to the Maninjau Resort Office in Lubuk Basung," he said.

He expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the residents who have participated in efforts to save protected animals and hoped that this would be an example of a role model for others.

Pangolins are rare animals with IUCN conservation status, critically endangered. In international trade, pangolins are included in the Appendix I group, which means they should not be utilized and traded. Meanwhile, in Indonesia pangolins are protected according to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment Number 106 of 2018 and Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Ecosystemya. In accordance with the article 21 of the law, everyone is prohibited from capturing, injuring, killing, possessing, storing, maintaining, transporting and trading protected animals in living, dead or body parts as well as their processed products.

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