NTB - Prosecutors charged the former chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Dompu, Putra Taufan, of corruption in managing grant funds in 2018-2021.

The value of state losses from this fraudulent action is estimated at IDR 1.1 billion.

This was said by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Budi Tridadi reading out the indictment against the defendant Putra Taufan in the inaugural trial at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Monday, September 25.

"This Rp1.1 billion loss consists of the issuance of a fictitious expenditure accountability letter worth Rp770 million. Then Rp42 million from falsification of the recipient's signature and expenditure of Rp293 million without any accountability documents," he said.

The prosecutor explained that as Chairman of KONI Dompu, Putra Taufan has a responsibility in terms of budget management, including in the use of grant funds sourced from the APBD.

The defendant did not control internally the budget expenditure by the treasurer. This resulted in the emergence of accountability reports that were not in accordance with expenses.

"In this case, the defendant was also assisted by Muhammad Tajudin as the general treasurer, Nining Suryani treasurer one and Doni Herdiana treasurer two to meet the accountability requirements for the use of the budget," he said.

From the reading of the indictment, the public prosecutor charged Putra Taufan with violating Article 2 paragraph (1) and / or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001.

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