JAKARTA - Senior researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Siti Zuhro assessed that the aura and expression displayed by the presidential candidate from the PDI-P Ganjar Pranowo made female voters more inclined to vote. "Why is Ganjar liked by many women, maybe because the aura that appears and the expressions shown give rise to a sense of sympathy so that they like it," said Siti in a statement received in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, September 24. This election can be assessed by the character of female voters in seeing the figure and appearance of the presidential candidate. "Second, the character (the female election), whether the presidential candidate is a good person, cool, and fun to greet and talk to," he said. The third characteristic, he continued, is that female voters have high empathy, so they choose presidential candidates who want to understand, pay attention, and protect women. Because, he said, women's fitness is gentle, motherland and concern for others and their surroundings. "In general, women like men who are caring, kind, cool, and willing to understand," he said. For this reason, Siti said that the male presidential candidate who contested the presidential election would be highlighted. "What is the family like, harmonious, full of affection for his wife and children," he said. This, he said, was like the former President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) when he contested the 2004 elections, where he became a presidential candidate who was idolized and selected by mothers. "Because basically, women don't choose female candidates. This empirical data is shown from the experience of the election so far, namely that female candidates are not necessarily chosen by female voters," he said. Based on the Kompas Research and Development Survey from July 27 to August 7, 2023, it is stated that female voters have the potential to provide more support to Ganjar Pranowo, followed by Prabowo Subianto, then Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election. Among women who have confirmed their choice, Ganjar Pranowo recorded 36.6 percent electability, then Prabowo achieved 30.5 percent electability, and Anies Baswedan won 23.2 percent electability. Meanwhile, 9.7 percent of other respondents did not answer.
The Kompas Research and Development Survey was conducted involving 1,364 respondents in 38 provinces. Respondents were randomly selected using a multilevel systematic stabbing method with a margin of error of around 2.65 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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