JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has received the results of the analysis of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) related to 92 accounts of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). However, it cannot be determined whether or not there is a criminal offense behind the results of the analysis. Because until now, the results of the analysis are still being studied.

In following up on the results of the analysis, the Police have held a coordination meeting with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center. Then, some of the account owners were already known.

The account holders are former regional administrators of the center of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

"The the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center has analyzed as many as 92 accounts, consisting of the Islamic Defenders Front central board, regional administrators, and several individuals related to their activities", said the Police Public Relations Division, General Rusdi Hartono to reporters, Tuesday, February 2.

Of the tens of accounts, said Rusdi, consisted of dozens of banks. Later, the results of the analysis will become a recommendation to determine whether there is a criminal offense during a case title.

"The 92 accounts are in 18 banks in Indonesia", he said.

"Of course, the results of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center analysis will be input from the National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency and of course, the National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency will follow up on whether or not there are criminal acts related to the flow of funds available to the Islamic Defenders Front organization", he continued.

Unfortunately, Rusdi was reluctant to explain the nominal amount of money contained in the tens of accounts. The reason is that it is the investigator's authority.

"We cannot expose it, it does not need to be disclosed in public", he said.

However, while the National Police was studying the results of the analysis, a video confession of a suspected terrorist named Ahmad Aulia appeared. He is a terrorist from Makassar who took allegiance to the Islamic Defenders Front.

The confession video has also gone viral on social media. One of the accounts that uploaded the video is @sahaL_AS.

Based on the video, the man decided to pledge allegiance to the Islamic Defenders Front along with hundreds of other sympathizers.

"I took the pledge at that time along with 100 members of sympathizers and troops of the Islamic Defenders Front at the Makassar headquarters at Jalan Sungai Limboto, Makassar", said the man quoted from @sahaL_AS account, Thursday, February 4.

Attended by Munarman

In addition, at the time the man took a pledge, the former Islamic Defenders Front General Secretary, Munarman was there. Two religious leaders were leading the process.

"Munarman was there as the central Islamic Defenders Front committee when I took the pledge. Ustadz Fauzan and Ustadz Basri were leading the allegiance at that time", he said.

The confession of the suspected terrorist has certainly attracted attention. This is because Munarman is a former leader of Islamic Defenders Front.

Former Islamic Defenders Front Secretary, Munarman. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

The Police are reluctant to give comment much on this matter. The reason is that Densus 88 Anti-terror, which has the authority in this matter is still investigating the recognition of the suspected terrorist.

Regardless of whether Ahmad Aulia's confession is true or not, the National Police said they would take action against former high-ranking Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) who were involved in terrorist networks.

"If the case in Makassar turns out to involve the Islamic Defenders Front leaders, of course, this also does not preclude the possibility that Densus 88 will take prosecution steps in accordance with the applicable law", said Rusdi.

Rusdi emphasized that he would take action against all parties involved in the terrorism network. This statement was made when asked about whether or not there was a plan to investigate Munarman

"What is clear is that anyone involved in a criminal act will definitely be held accountable for the law, whoever they are", he said.

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