SURABAYA - Mental health or mental health is an issue that is of concern to Ganjar Pranowo. On several occasions, Ganjar emphasized the importance of the state being present to solve the problems experienced by many young people today. Mental health services, he said, must also be present on campus.

Likewise, when Ganjar discussed with hundreds of students from various campuses in Indonesia who were members of the BEM Nusantara representative at Dr Soetomo University Surabaya, Saturday, September 23. Ganjar again explained the importance of the state making the mental health issue an effort to realize Indonesia Gold 2045.

"Facing a demographic bonus, what should not be forgotten is mental health issues. This is a very important problem to solve, but there are still many who do not care about this," said Ganjar Pranowo.

In fact, he continued, the data shows that 16.5 million young people in Indonesia have mental problems. 2.45 million others have even experienced mental disorders and have to undergo treatment.

"Don't get me wrong, you know, this is a serious problem. I met with children who had experience with this. They told me, many people to commit suicide, use drugs and others," he said.

For this reason, Ganjar is committed to caring for this problem. One of Ganjar's programs is to increase the number of mental health services in the community.

Ganjar is committed to building counseling services posts on mental health in many places. For example, on campus, health centers, and public hospitals.

"The solution we provide is to open mental health counseling posts in many places in Indonesia so that people can easily access it. It can be on campus, mental health services at the Puskesmas to all public hospitals," he concluded.

What Ganjar said received appreciation from the students. They agreed with Ganjar, that mental health issues should be a concern.

"I totally agree that this mental health problem is a problem that many young people experience and a solution must be found. I myself have mental health problems and it can be resolved by means of medical assistance. I went to a psychologist, a psychiatrist and gradually recovered," said Zulfa, a student about the idea put forward by Ganjar Pranowo.

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