The Central Jakarta Metro Police have again added the number of witnesses related to the fire case at the Indonesian National Museum. Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin explained, the addition of witnesses to assist the investigation process. Additional witnesses came from workers and employees of the Indonesian National Museum.

"Currently, we have examined a total of 37 witnesses. Additional from workers and employees (museum)," said Kombes Komarudin when confirmed by VOI, Friday, September 22.

Currently, the investigation process is still in the stage of gathering information.

"The process of collecting goods at once (investigation) from the Forensic Laboratory has not been completed. The evacuation process is still ongoing, everything is not finished," he said.

Meanwhile, the evacuation process for historical collections is still being carried out in 4 rooms affected by the fire.

"Not yet for the two rooms, because they are still in the same police line as the laboratory. Bedeng (owned by the workers) is in (around) building A. Later the laboratory will conclude (the cause of the fire," he said.

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