Batam Mayor Muhammad Rudi emphasized that he promised to give rights to the people on Pulau Rempang.

"I have served as mayor for him and only a year left. I promise to provide welfare for the people in Batam, such as in Pasir Panjang Village, Rempang Island, Galang District," said Muhammad Rudi during a dialogue with the community in Pasir Panjang, Thursday, September 21.

Rudi said all residents were to submit data in their families to the kelurahan with the information of the RT and RW. He asked not to falsify family data.

"Every citizen or head of the family is expected to submit data to the kelurahan and it must be known that RT and RW. Based on this data, each citizen will get money for 3 months and be paid in advance," he said.

Rudi explained that the details of the money consisting of each person in the family would get money worth one million rupiah for their monthly food needs and for renting a house worth one comma two million rupiah.

"Every soul in the family gets one million to eat. So if there are four people, the money received is worth four million rupiah per month. And plus the house rental money per month is worth one and two million rupiah in a coma," he said about the relocation of residents on Pulau Rempang.

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