JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reminded his citizens not to travel outside the city during Chinese New Year celebrations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This Chinese New Year holiday falls on Friday, February 12, 2021. After that is the weekend Saturday and Sunday. It is feared that many people have a vacation out of town due to the weekend.

"I urge all of us to choose to be at home, to be in Jakarta, not to travel outside the city," Anies said in a Youtube broadcast by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Friday, February 5.

Anies also asked the public not to linger in the car and not to visit crowded places. Because, this is what causes the potential for transmission of COVID-19 between family members to be very high.

"The point is as much as possible at home. As much as possible, we should keep away from activities that have a lot of people and only travel when there are basic and urgent needs," said Anies.

Based on the experience of the long holiday from the previous weekend, namely during the Prophet's Birthday in October 2020 and Christmas and New Year 2021, COVID-19 cases are always increasing.

Therefore, Anies hopes that residents will realize the importance of preventing the transmission of the corona virus so that COVID-19 cases do not increase again.

"I remind this because we all realize that this pandemic is still there and we all have the potential to be exposed if there is high interaction activity," said the former Minister of Education and Culture.

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